Thursday, November 24, 2011

Love being busy During Christmas

So my friends and I decided to punch over our weight on day, and  decided we needed to do a concert. I am stoked over this. So far we have done casual sing-song type of carol singing thing, but this one's going to be a proper one...hopefully LOL... So what's the song list like? Well there is one Trans Siberian Orchestra song in there... :) that should do I guess :) Eventually in my heart what's foremost is that the younger kids who are part of this will become a strong force in the coming days of their own and hopefully this will be a launchpad.

Most of the kids, being in college, are juggling concert prep and Semester exams so we've not been able to do the "empowerment" thing as fully as I'd liked but then God knows whats best with things beyond human control so... let us see.

That a sneek peek at some prep I'm doin :)